Monday, May 31, 2010

RECIPE-Orange Flip Plus

My niece, Morgan Flynn, gave me this recipe years ago and I have made it many times. It is called "Orange Flip." It is basically a orange Julius with no sugar. I have enhanced the recipe and so I am calling it "The Orange Flip Plus." I just have added a large scoop of vanilla protein powder and I use a 12 oz can of oj so the portions are altered a bit.. It makes it creamier and full of protein.

The Orange Julius Plus

1 12 oz can frozen orange juice concentrate
1 12 oz can milk
1 12 oz can water
1 12 oz can ice
1 lg scoop Vanilla protein powder

Whip in blender until ice sounds smooth.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

My kids really are the greatest when it comes to thinking of me. I tell them that they really do not need to do anything for me for Mother's Day. I know they are all struggling students with not a lot of money, but they do things anyway.

This year they made me a card. Hum, it looks familiar.

They gave me an orchid. It is beautiful. I have it sitting on my bedroom counter so I can see it everyday. The flower wreath on Heidi's head came with the orchid.

They gave me the movie "Blind Side." One of my favorites.

And the balls Jen is holding are some that I found at Robert's Craft, but put back because they were too expensive and weren't on sale the day I saw them. My kids went back and got them for me.

Richie was in DC on Mother's Day and came home worried that he had not bought me anything. He was very thoughtful about it, too.

On Mother's Day, a friend of mine at church, Mary Nosack, told me that she saw my kids at Walmart shopping for Mother's Day things and having a great time. She told me I have great kids. I know I do. They are the blessing of my life! I love you Richie, Jen, Heidi and Ian.

Field Trip to Cabela's?

Ian was pretty excited to take a field trip to Kennecott Copper Mine the last week of school. Actually he seemed more excited to be out of school for a day and go to Chuck o rama for lunch. Well it was a rainy day so Kennecott was canceled and all the kids were taken to Cabela's to hang out for 3 hours! That seemed so funny to me.

Heidi's concert

Heidi is in women's chorus this year. She has loved singing under Cory Mendenhall. She has learned so much and become such a good singer. Tonight was her concert.

All the young women singing under the direction of Cory Mendenhall.

So you think you can dance!

Heidi's Social Dance Finale.

Heidi has been taking Social Dance this year in school. Tonight was the finale of all they have learned. Heidi started off the night with a formal waltz to a Josh Groban song "So She Dances'"

She did a great job. We told her she needed to smile more...act like she was having a good time.

I never asked what the boy's name is that she was waltzing with. Cute boy, he seemed to know what he was doing too.

This boy was so cute. He has the best rhythm and such a cute smile. I kept watching him. Heidi told me later that he is the student body president. He took Bryn to a dance this year. Cute boy.

Heidi's second dance was a swing dance. Here she is waiting to get started. Aren't they cute?

Still waiting. But they really are so cute! This is Andy. Andy is the boy Heidi went on her first date with.

They did a lot of swingin'

No need to tell Heidi to smile more in this dance. She was doing plenty of it.
That was a fun night....watching Heidi dance. I think you can dance!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Wipe Out

Ian has become a little musican. He has such an interest in many different instruments. He has taught himself the bass and tried out for jazz band on base and made it! Yeah Ian. He has had drum lessons. Which I need to get him back into. He experiments with other instruments too, like the flute, trumpet, or anything he can get his hands on. He is interested in choral music too.

He teaches himself a lot on guitar and has been taking guitar class this year in school. He had a guitar recital last week. He was the third chair in his class. Ian is doing really well with guitar. He had a little solo in one of the pieces, where he started and ended the whole group. It was pretty cool.

One of the songs in the recital was "Wipe Out." It was very fun to watch 50 or so kids playing this song together all on their guitars.

Ian in his 3rd chair.

A cute girl 2 chairs away from Ian.

Ian plays his solo. Great job!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Heidi's Date.

Just a few pictures from Heidi's date last week. She took Greg Weight to "Last Chance."
So, I guess one of the things you do at this dance is wear matching hats. Heidi and Greg wore graduation caps. Pretty funny! Good thing for her sister, Jen, who has graduated twice! and could provide the caps.

Summer Fun with the Case's

Case Hike to the Hot Springs.

Had a super great time with my family.

Look on my hiking blog to see our adventure.

I made my banana chocolate chip muffins for the hike. They are a favorite. Every time I take them somewhere, someone always asks for the recipe, so here it is.

Sour Cream Banana Bars

1 1/2 c sugar
1 c sour cream
2 eggs
1 1/2 c mashed bananas
(about 3 lg)
2 tsp vanilla
2 c flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 c chopped nuts, opt
Vanilla Glaze

Heat oven to 375. Mix sugar, sour cream, butter and eggs in large mixer bowl on low speed, scraping bowl occasionally. 1 minute. Beat in bananas and vanilla on low speed 30 seconds. Beat in flour salt and baking soda on medium speed, scraping bowl occasionally 1 minute. Stir in nuts. Spread in greased and floured jelly roll pan. Bake until light brown, 20-25 minutes. Cool. Frost with vanilla glaze.

Vanilla Glaze
2 c powdered sugar
1/4 c butter, softened
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
2 TB hot water
Stir in 1 to 2 tsp additional hot water until smooth and of desired consistency. Frost while still a little warm

Muffins. Pour batter in muffin tins, sprinkle top with chocolate chips. Bake 15 minutes.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Heidi makes chamber singers

This is pretty exciting news. Chamber Singers is the highest singing group you can be in at Maple Mountain High School. It is the "varsity" singing group. There are 24 singers next year in the group. I am so excited for her. She is in for a great adventure and learning experience.

She will also be in Concert Choir.

Exciting stuff.