Saturday, July 17, 2010

Case Family Fun

While Robyn was in town this summer the Case's had lots of fun.

We went up Provo Canyon and had a picnic.

We went to the cemetary.

We went hiking! (See my hiking blog

Paul McCartney

So I went to the Paul McCartney concert Tuesday evening. Paul McCartney.....from the Beatles!!!! Karen got some free tickets at work and invited me to go. It was an amazing concert. He really knows how to put on a show.

Some of the highlights...

Let It Be...a piano solo. This is my all time favorite song.

Yesterday. This was one of his many encore songs. He did encore songs for almost an hour. This man is almost 70 years old and he kept on performing. It was amazing.

He played a variety of instruments that he kept changing back and forth from.....very impressive.

His wonderful English accent