Sunday, May 10, 2009

New Job!

I currently work at Central Utah Clinic in the Imaging Department as a secretary. I have been there 3 years. I have been exploring my options in what I should do in, stay where I am at, find something else. It has been a prayer in my heart for some time.

When I was set apart for my new position in the Young Womens' Presidency in my ward in February my bishop, David Leifson, told me that he wanted to bless me in my professional life. I felt intense gratitude for this blessing at that moment. He told me that I would find great joy and statisfaction in my job and that I would know what job to be in.

Last week I was offered a new job at Central Utah Clinic in Clinical Research. I have spent many hours thinking about this, fasting and praying about it and feel very good about accepting this job. I am so excited about it. I am so grateful how it has unfolded (a whole other story) and I feel very blessed.

I start tomorrow part time and will be doing it full time June 1st. It has all happened so quickly.

I'm excited.


Heather C. said...

WHAT??? I have to hear about this on your blog. I can't believe you didn't tell me. Well I am excited that you are excited about a change. Will I still see you? I hope so because I would miss you a ton.

Unknown said...

That is SOOOOOO GREAT!!! I am so excited for you! I miss you so much. We need to get together soon and catch up. I know Kristin would like to as well. Congratulaions! I can't wait to hear the story. Love, Carrie