Off we went to Moab. That would be me, Jen, Heidi and Julie, Meika, Heather and Bryn Boogert. From the minute we got in the Boogert Excursion to when we were dropped off, we had a fabulous time. Not that things went perfectly, because they did not.
Boogerts picked us up at 12:30 Friday in their Excursion and off we went.
About 45 minutes into the journey the car started shutting down and pretty soon we had no power to the car and it stopped by the side of the road, in nowhere land. We were stuck. Good thing for cell phones. We called Kent Boogert.
Kent to the rescue! He knew what the problem was and came to our aid. Apparently the alternator went out. It has happened a lot in this car. Kent bought a new one and was on his way to replace it for us.
So we just waited in the car. It was raining outside so we couldn't get out. But we had a great time hanging out with each other. We just took lots of pictures while we waited.
While we waited we were trying to decide if we would venture on to Moab or just go home. We were getting a really late start now and there was a 30% chance of rain both Friday and Saturday.
We decided to be adventurous and go to Moab.
Kent arrive, fixed the car and off we went. Yeah! Things certainly weren't going perfectly, but it was turning out great.
As we went to Moab it kept raining and now we had to decide if we would go with our plan to camp or we should get a hotel. WE decided to be adventurous and go camping.
We had a great journey to Moab. We saw many beautiful rainbows on the way.
We finally arrive in Moab and find an amazing campsite- thanks to Jen's work at campsite finding.
We were pushing dark and so Heather headed the team to set up a tent. And I started the charcoals for our dutch oven cooking.
They were setting up a tent, one we had never set up before and things were not going well. But everyone persisted and finally the tent was done.
Dinner went well. The menu: cowboy tators with chicken and peach cobbler.Yummy!
By now it was very dark. We were having such a great time, in spite of our imperfect evening.
As we looked up in the sky, we were amazed. It was full of STARS. We were having a clear night. This lovely clear weather would continue until the next day after our hike and then it would start raining on our way home! Perfect!
Night time. We all needed to get to bed. We needed to be up at 5:45. Jen found a alarm tone on her phone that was great to get us up. We had so much fun with it. We all decided to wake up dancing to this music. And we did it! It was great fun and a great memory.
After breakfast and getting packed up, off we went to the hike.
It was truely an imperfectly perfect outing. Since I blog all my hikes on my hiking blog the rest of the story is in my hiking log: