Our family vacation this year was a simple one to St. George in August.

Entertaining themselves on the way to St. George.

Enjoying our way down to St. George. It looks like we are all still happy.

A vacation is not a vacation without good food. Here we are at Chili's sharing the raspberry lemonade. Yum yum.
Our first stop was at Cove Fort. Such an inspirational place. I was there in June and wanted my children to experience it for themselves.

The first night we went to see Aida at the Tuacan. It is an outdoor theatre. Here they use the natural landscape for the scenery. Wonderful experience.

The continental breakfast at our hotel was a juice and biscuit. That was it.

Ian, thinking that this was all he was going to get for breakfast. We went and got more food.

The next day we went hiking at Zion. Our first hike was Emerald Pools. There are 3 pools you hike to. It is a magnificent hike. Here we are at pool #1.

Pool #1

Pool #1

Pool #1

On our way to pool #2

More to pool #2

More to pool #2

On our journey to pool #3, it was getting really hot now.

Jen cooling off hugging a rock. It sure is ''heart" out here.

Along the path, Heidi decides to rest in the cool hole.

Ian was enjoying the cool of the rock too. He looks cold though.

At Pool #3!!!! We stopped for a treat.
Our next hike was up the Narrows, a hike in the water. We were getting tired from the other hike but I knew Jen, Heidi and Ian would enjoy this. We all had a great time on the Narrows. It was amazing.

Ian did not bring the right shoes and so Heidi shared her's with him. They were way too small, so we had to take of picture of this 6 ft boy in these little shoes. He did not complain at all. Way to go Ian.

Heidi helps Jen walk down stream. Yes it was really that deep on our hike through the Narrows.

Ian watching his step through the Narrows.

I don't know what Ian is doing, I just remember he forgot his phone was in his pocket. It did not survive.

Heidi really enjoyed the deep parts of the hike.

Look at all the people in the background. It was a busy day on the Narrows.

On our way home, there was a big forest fire. This was how the sun looked.